Saturday, October 29, 2011

Disadvantages Of Mesturbation

What are bad effects of masturbation?

Masturbation is a habit and not a new word to youth generation. 95% youth do the masturbation, because of the pleasure. Youth generation don’t know what are bad effects of masturbation and how effects to future life. But I went to through friends, they want to know that what are bad effects , how to stop this, is it prevent body building and more.

There are thousands of questions regarding this so I am writing a article to describe what are bad effect of masturbation on

In my life I started masturbation when I am in grade 8, I am doing masturbation for 9 years. I will describe what results we get from that hell of masturbation are.

If we masturbation today, next day will be very dull day. I fill very unfit about body, personality & confidence.

When we masturbate we lost energy in our body, as result of this we can’t concentrate on things.

Most effective bad effects are

· Loose mind concentrate

· Loose your memory

· Slowly growth of your lower body

· Hesitate with studies

· Burn your large amount of calories

After masturbate, I think that, it’s a very dull thing, Useless work. I am doing daily so I feel that my memory will low and can’t concentrate my mind to one thing. Most important thing is loose confidence.

Daily masturbation is very harmful to our body and mind. Masturbation is very harmful. From today you give a promise to your body that you don’t masturbate hereafter.

Bad effects are differing from body to body. I will give you a advice,”Don’t do masturbation”

There is only 1 advantage is pleasure and thousands of bad effects are behind that pleasure.

In past I did masturbate for 3 times a day. Now I don’t do that type. I know that results of that…..

Please Comment…………. Share your ideas of masturbation.

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