Saturday, July 30, 2011

Financial Leases for bikes,homes,motor vehicles in srilanka

Leasing and insurance industry now growing worldwide and locally. most people havent big money to buy something, like motor car or prefer thing.

In srilanka, Most are lease the properties and more.
If you want to get a bike or scooter , you have to give a minimum down payment and very low monthly payment.

But in srilanka scooters and bike leasing not given by the leasing companies due to no pay the payments properly.

Some companies leasing rates are very low... and the time period also high like 3 years...

Derana Dream 3 Start Finals -Meka Gune Ayyage Bajaw Dana Kabare

Meka Gune Ayyage Bajaw Dana Kabare was famous due to star singing in derana dream star.

Do you want to know Google Plus Project-Social network

Google Plus Project

Google Plus Project is a new thing created by Google company , now they released beta version for users, and comments for ranking. if suitable or not...
Google Plus Project is like to facebook, its social website, you can share you ideas , photos, and more things,
i think it will famous like face book.


Cheap Web Hosting in srilanka

If you try to make a website , is you are around the world, you can now enjoy cheap web hosting in srilanka. Domain and other services also can get very cheap.

In current times Cheap Web Hosting in srilanka is very popular among web site makers.
300rs for month , 700rs for domain such .com also there. very cheap in hand...

if you search in google you can find more cheap web hosting sites, but in srilanka, currency benefit also there.............

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dinakshi Priyasad famous young actress in srilanka

Dinakshi Priyasad famous young actress in srilanka.

Dinakshi Priyasad famous of wasssna sihinaya television drama on derana rupervahini, it became very famous...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fake FaceBook Profiles In srilanka and worldwide

There are thousands of fake profiles in facebook. i think one person have more than one account for misuse facebook.
Freak People Built fake profiles to gain some fun. but its a hate to other people. They misuse people to their satisfaction.
Facebook is now the famous website over the internet users, all over world people connected to facebook daily. Some are addicted. Face book is not always bring us happy.
If a Fake Facebook profile come and do nasty things, all over facebook gong down.

Most Face Book fake profiles comes like girls, If you want to know this profile is fake or not simply look out this

-Profile pic(very sexy One)
-Number Of friends
-How Many pics in profile
-Name and other personal data

If they are abnormal that's must be fake profile.
Good , decent girls not put their real pics.

google Adsence in srilanka-Online Money

google Adsence on srilanka-

Srilanka got a chance to earn money through out adsence programme. most srilankans are very preferable to earn money through this. lack of knowledge is a barrier to earn money on adsence.

there are books and magazines to lean adsence.

if you dont know about adsence don't try to use it. because if you don't know it, it will harm for all srilankans.
google Adsence isn't a easy one. but if you have ability to make mega sites you can earn thousands of dollars.

Most Srilankans are like to earn money internet, but don't know the correct ways.i will guide , in next lessons